Thursday, January 15, 2009

1st year review

Pergh.. Lama gila tak update.. Macam2 jadi kebelakangan ni tapi takdan nak update.. Kepada yang ziarah, maaf lar sebab tinggal blog lama tanpa meninggalkan 'pesan'..

Hari ni kira penting gak lar dalam sejarah hidup sebagai pelajar di bumi Scot nii.. Jam 11.30 pagi tadi, dengan langkah penuh 'gabra' masuk bilik Prof. Richard J. Abbott. Prof. Abbott is such a great man! Aku rasa malu plak bila dia minta jeket aku untuk disangkutkan di tempat sangkut jeket tuu.. Mana biasa.. Kat M'sia, takde nyer buat or diajar mende2 camni.. Dan lagi - PROFESOR tuu.. Sementara tunggu Dr. Iain Mathews mai, sempat ler berkenal-kenalan. Pas Dr. Iain masuk, bermula ler the first review meeting yang akan menentukan aku ni layak ker dinaik taraf ke 'calon PhD' dari 'general research student!' Aku lalui 45 minit dengan penuh debar; menjawab soalan2 depa tu dengan gaya dan lenggok Amarican Manglish aku yang tak seberapa tuu.. Alhamdulillah.. At the end depa kata, "You did well. You understand your subject very well and we are proud! bla bla bla.." (lebih kurang camtu ler..). Oh Tuhan! Terima kasih.. Lega sangat..

Walaupun selsema dan batuk2 yang menemani aku ni takmau hilang, aku berjaya mengharungi first year reivew.. Dengan ayat akhir depa tu, aku balik lab, pi jumpa supervisor. Story morry la plak kat supervisor aku for another 30 mins.., and she said, "Congratulation, I know you can do it!" Pergh.. Lega..

[Serius, aku risau gila dengan first review meeting nii.. Mana tak nyer.., kalau kantoi, bye bye ler PhD.. Depa downgrade to MPhil. jer.. Dari perabih and dapat Mphil., baik aku balik M'sia tanam padi.. Hehehe.. Lucky, dapat study sedikit sebanyak.. Boleh ler defend.. Semalam, dok mengadu nasib kat isteri, tapi takde nyer dia nak simpati, nak cakap manja2.. Huh! Anyway, Thank you dear, for the inspiration.. I know you pray a lot for my success.. Hehe..]

12 months from now, I'll meet them again and the second review meeting is something but not as tough as first review meeting since this one is just to make sure all plans are worked out well and to check the performance and progress of research jer.. But, nothing can be taken lightly.. I promise to do well..

Just to let you know, at University of St Andrews (at least at the School of Biology -- as far as I understand), we have a 'monitoring committee' comprise of a tutor (in my case Prof. Richard) and an internal examiner (Dr. Iain). Tutor acting as an independent 'advisor' - in case your 'relationship' with your supervisor turn sour, tutor will mediating the whole process until completion of PhD research. One interestring fact is, the candidate know who is their 'internal examiner' -- the one who will check and mark the thesis, and has no limitation for student to see their 'internal examiner' for advice, or other help. Both of them -- in case the student has no 'second supervisor' will monitor the progress of each student throughout their PhD years through 4-month review meeting (I skip this one!), first (year) review meeting, second review meeting and final meeting which is the viva. Interesting, isn't it? Well.. At least for me!


benludin said...

tahniah bro.
kena buat kenduri kat masjid dundee la itu macam...bagi makan Pakis n Arabs nasik ayam :)

the artist and i said...


hope tahun 09 semuanya lancar (yang pasti tak lah kesemua kan?) hehe

.::Nur Faizah Azizan::. said...

tahniah en amey (kna start blaja pggil dr amey neh..ahakz)...smoge trus sukses!!!

amey ahmad said...

bro ben,
thanks. kenduri? haha.. wal lagi lar..

ms weed,
thanks. i hope so. to you too.. :-)

thanks. dr?? blom lagi lar.. baru first step.. boleh ler la ni kata saya "calon PhD!" sblm ni just a general research student!

.::Nur Faizah Azizan::. said...

Mmg ler lom lg..kna le blajo2..sok dh dpat PhD x la tergeliat lidah kitorang..heheheh...all d best en amey!!

::lynn:: said...

tahniah bapak...dah lepas review 1st yer...

semoga semuanya bjln dgn baik...

ala, akak tu kan 'macho' di luar... apa laaa bapak... dia dh manja2 dengan menjaga 3 warriors tu jam2 bapak sampling...wink3..

uglybeautyme said...

hope 4 d best ..yeah~

Cinta said...

en.amey......aftr dis i need to tune back lidah saya la from mr.amey to DR.Amey kan...ahakzzzzz..... yihaaaaa

Ronie Muller said...

tahniah2..terujanya saya...harap2 nnti ada jugakla 'dear' yg akan mendoakan saya di sana..kekekek

BeLLeZa_MinX said...

congrats dear.. :)

A.k.i.r.a ~ c.h.a.n said...

congrats en. amey..happy for ya!



amey ahmad said...

tu yg tak aci tuu.. hehe.. saya pun kena macho la gak, kan..?

takde bezanye.. en ke dr ker? saya hrp kamu doakan saya supaya saya kekal 'mesra' dgn korang2 semua.. itu lebih istimewa.. biar dr tu atas skrol saya dah la.. kan2..?

awk pun sama.. all the best.. err.. court tennis dah 'hilang' ek?

blom lagi lar.. ala.. en pun kira ok lar.. janji kita senang hati.. hehe..

haaa.. cari cepat.. kalau boleh dpt sblm fly, lagi baik.. hehe.. dan tak?? all the best to you..

thanks babe.. hehe.. how's tj?

1 down, 2 to go.. still climbing.. harap2 tak tergolek lar..

Eamy said...

lama xjenguk
harap seme ok!

amey ahmad said...

hello eamy..
awk tak jengok saya tapi saya jengok awk sokmo gak.. lately, busy sket with works.. lama tak update.. dok sokmo jer depan laptop/pc tp nak menulis cerita kat sini, kadang2 ter'slip'.. haha..
singgah2 la..

.::Nur Faizah Azizan::. said...

Hehe..btol2..smoga en amey maintain cam dulu gak.. (kurangkan marah2 sket jer)..ehehehe...all d best!!!

mYeQa said...

owh, owh..excitednye dgr. sgt tough rupenye nk amik phD neh. luckily it's en.amey! congrats~~~

all da best!

Khadijah said...

Menjadik bersemangat! En Amey jadik idola kiorang, jangan givap!!!

amey ahmad said...

kalau maintain, kena maintain semua lar.. marah tetap.. pastu, boleh jer di minum2.. hehe..

yes!! it's tough.. tp bila fikir and tngk org lain blh jer buat, rasa yakin gak ler.. same goes to you.. all the best..

idola?? err.. mak aih.. err.. boleh tukar tak.. hehe..

BeLLeZa_MinX said...

u didnt check ur mail?? am getting married da... :P

the artist and i said...

memang sebulan sekali update ka? hahaha.. gila lama-lama sekali baru update!

amey ahmad said...

sorry.. dok dang laa.. hehe.. hey, TAHNIAH.. i pi nanti but i nak hidangan yg atas meja yg pengantin makan tu, boleh??

ms weed,
aduih laa..kejamnya.. hehe.. tak lar.. takdan nak menaip cerita laa (tp slalu jer baca org punya!!).. ok2.. pasni saya update..

BeLLeZa_MinX said...

nak makan hidangan pengantin boleh.. jangan makan pengantin suda... hehehehe...