Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stick to your guns

Like Bon Jovi said, in "Stick to your guns", I found this song, at this particular moment, is really motivating me.. This song, with great lyrics really pulled me through the day.. It's been a while since I felt a bit down.. It's nothing actually but my sickness is really disturbing me!

Tah apa yang aku salah makan ntah, or termakan lebih sampai 3 minggu lebih dah lutut aku ni bengkak akibat gout.. Biasanya, dua tiga hari, paling lama pun empat lima hari dah ok.. Ini dah masuk hari yang ke-27 dah aku masih jalan pelan2 macam kawan Aiman! Sampai dah nak habis bekalan ubat yang aku amik kat klinik kat Wakaf Tengah tuu.. :-)

Walaupun minggu lepas aku sangat gumbira sebab dapat report card (read: review) yang mengompemkan aku sebagai 'calon PhD' [elehhh.. baru 'calon'..] di Universiti St Andrews ni.., dok dapek den nak merayakannya.. Nak celebrate b'day dengan anak2 pun takde selera sebab gout yang degil nih! Lagi berita gumbira.. Pada hari Ahad (kerja jugak weh hari Ahad pun..) aku dapat surat dari penganjur 10th Student Conference for Conservation Science, University of Cambridge. Ini la seminar pertama aku sejak dok di UK sebagai student ni.. Tak sabar nak take part dalam seminar tu.. (cerita lanjut di blog satu lagi..)

Stick to your guns
[Bon Jovi]
So you want to be a cowboy
Well you know it's more that just a ride
Guess you got to know the real thing
If you want to know the other side
Ain't nobody riding shotgun
In this world tonight
And when you spit, you better mean it
You got to make 'em all believe it
If you're gonna be the one
Stick to your gun
Ain't nobody gonna hurt you, baby
You can go for the trigger
But only if you have to
Aim from the heart
Some will love and some will curse you, baby
And you can go to war
But only if you have to
It's only if you have to
So you want to be the big time
Some people have to drag you down
There's no living in the backseat
If you're gonna drive through town
And when you pray for independence
Boy, you better stand your ground
You got to give it all you got now
Or you might get shot down
Fight hard until the battle is won
Well, you know that I been through it
I got the scars to prove it
Fight hard and the Battle is yours
... But stick to your guns

So, "Stick to your guns" man..
p/s - kalau taktau lagu ni, youtube-bing la deh..


the artist and i said...

tahniah tahniah..

wahlauuuu.. mrB cakap nanti2 (4thn lagi kot) dia nak buat phd kat overseas, bole la i pun nak lanjutkan kat luaq juga!!.. :)

Khadijah said...

Congrats and do take care!

A.k.i.r.a ~ c.h.a.n said...

omedeto en. amey!!
tahniah dalam versi japanese)

u're my inspiration!!

uglybeautyme said...

huhu...kesihatan yg baek is da greatest thing!

cpt smboh yerp...